Describe (using your own words) why IP addresses for devices connected to the Internet are due to run out shortly and propose what possible solutions have been put forward to address this massive ‘time-bomb’?
The IP addresses are due to run out, because in the last few years its users have been growing dramatically in huge numbers. Since technology is growing every single minute the users(we) are demanding more than the IP address can offer. Due to our huge demand and the growthe of technology the IP addresses are vulnerable to run out very recent.
The solution to the above is that to develop a new technology before it runs out. Some predict that the IP addresses will run out by 2010. As this factor concerned to many users, there has been the driving factor in creating and adopting several new technologies, including classful networks, CIDER addressing, Network Address Translation (NAT) and IPv6. However, as of 2008, IPv6 is generally seen as the only practical long-term solution for IPv4 address exhaustion that is readily available.
DSL, Hosting and Co-Lo. (1999-2008). Running out of IP addresses. [21 October 2008]. [Online]. Available from: Accessed: [21 October 2008].
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., IPv4 address exhaustion. [Modified 17 October 2008].[Online]. Available from: Accessed: [21 October 2008].